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Enw a Gofnodwyd: Old Building

Prif Enw Heb ei ddiffinio
Cyfeirnod GridSJ 24423 05906
Pryd y'i cofnodwyd
Ffynhonnell Gynradd
Ffynhonnell Eilaidd
Nodiadau Spot immediately below church hall is marked on tithe map of 1844 as site of old building, nothing apparent in 1909. Transcribed from RCAHMW Inventory by student volunteers on 03/04/2017.

Mannau eraill lle mae'r enw hwn i'w gael (1)

Llwythwch Ragor...

Os ydych am weld neu adael sylwadau, mae'n rhaid cydsynio i'r cwcis